Reference e-books


Mythologie grecque à travers l'Iliade et l'Odyssée d'Homère
We are proud to announce the release of this superb French ebook. An illustrated exploration of the greek mythology. Meet the gods and heros through the classic text of Homer.

Home and personal

Supergenius, by Magi Lamp. After introducing his method, the author presents a selection of collector-quality essays, excerpted, to serve as exercises for practicing the Supergenius method in First Class.


Gods, Land & People of Mexico
by Roland Salazar Rose. This ebook introduces a new format. It is more a virtual exhibition than an ebook.

Ceramic Wares: A Reverse Dictionary
by Ima Potter. This book is for collectors, practitioners, and students of ceramics who are in need of technical and yet handy referencing to those types and techniques known first by their materials and second by their manufacturers.

Ceramics Raw Materials From A To Z: A Studio Handbook
by Ima Potter. Materials are listed by alphabetized titling; data are thoroughly cross-referenced; special attentions are drawn to varieties of usage in terminologies and emphases throughout are on natural versus man-made origins by way of understanding nomenclatures.

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