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Free download for Windows 7 - Fabliaux

Table des matières

  • Introduction
  • Estula
  • Les trois aveugles de Compiègne
  • Le chevalier au barillet
  • De Brunain, la vache au prestre
  • Le prud'homme qui sauva son compère
  • La dame qui fit entendre à son mari qu'il rêvait
  • La housse partie
  • Le larron qui embrassa un rayon de lune
  • Du vilain et de l'oiselet
  • Le dit des perdrix
  • Du vilain qui conquit le paradis par plaid
  • La sacoche perdue
  • Le vilain mire
  • Des sohaiz que Sainz Martins dona Anvieus et Coveitos, par Jean Bodel
  • De Haimet e de Barat e Travers, par Jean Bodel
  • Du bouchier dabeuile, par Eustache d'Amiens
  • De Brifaut
  • De l'escuiruel
  • Du Vilain Asnier
  • Dame, vos hom vous estrine..., par Adam de la Halle
  • Li congiés Adan, par Adam de la Halle
  • Ma joi me semont, par Blondel de Nesle
  • Alouette
  • Li tens nouveaus et la douçours, par Gonthier de Soignies
  • Cant voi l’aube du jour venir
  • Se savoient mon tourment , par Blondel de Nesle
  • L'autrier m'en aloie chevauchant
  • En tous sens que vente bise, par Blondel de Nesle
  • Cuer desirrous apaie, par Blondel de Nesle
  • Au repairier en la douche contree, par Adam de la Halle
  • La chanson de Roland

Fabliaux et autres contes médiévaux

This ebook is aimed at the advanced French students or teachers wishing to read medieval texts. Selection of fabliaux and other medieval stories that are typical of the French literature with medieval music.
In the introduction, you will find an explanation of the word fabliau and of this typical French literary style that flourishes in France between the years 1159 et 1340.

In the review written by the 3d2f team:
...And now, with e-book I'm speaking about, you can entertain yourself with your tries to understand the six hundred years-old language.
Faithfully, with Fabliaux e-book you'll not be tete-a-tete with this (not so easy) task. There are enough comments in e-book, enough translations in modern Francais, enough lexicon entries for you to do the transition from XXI to the Middle Age and back again.

Visit 3d2f and read more.

You will also discover the evolution of the French language as some fabliaux in this ebook are written in vieux français and some of these have a moderne version available on screen. There is also a lexique (small dictionary) of some words used in the Middle Ages and some notes on the authors.

Easy to use thanks to the menu bar on top of the screen that lets you jump between the different sections of the ebook. The fabliaux are sorted by author's name when known.
In the registered version, you can print the fabliau. When there's a modern version, you will have the choice of printing the old, the new or both.

© 1998-2009

  • Shareware
  • Version
  • Date: June 30, 2007
  • File size: 18.76Mb
  • Windows XP, Vista
  • SVGA 1024x768x16M, 128Mb RAM, soundcard, 40Mb space,IE 4.x or better
  • Install and uninstall
